Donations of nonperishable food are welcome at the Wildwood Food Pantry, located behind the Wildwood United Methodist Church. Pantry receiving hours (during COVID) are weekday mornings from 08:30 till 11:00. Food donations are also collected year-round at New Covenant United Methodist Church, and Lake Deaton United Methodist Church. Checks made out to the Wildwood Food Pantry can be mailed to:
Wildwood Food Pantry
300 Mason St.
Wildwood, FL 34785
There are more than 170 volunteers who regularly support our food pantry operation. We have no paid employees. If you find it in your heart to devote some of your time and talent to help others, this is a good place to be.
Although we generally have a sufficient number of volunteers to handle our daily operations, we occasionally experience a particular need, especially during the summer months when some of our volunteers head north. And, since most of our volunteers are aging retirees, we can always use a few strong healthy volunteers to lend a hand.
To become a volunteer, click below and fill out the form. Someone will be in touch with you soon!