Next Food Distribution
March 7, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
At Wildwood UMC
300 Mason Street (Rear)
Wildwood, FL. 34785
If you live in Sumter County and you or someone you know needs Supplemental Food Assistance, we can help at no cost!
Wildwood Food Pantry is an Equal Opportunity Provider
Please line up and remain in your vehicle when checking in.
If you are not a certified client, you may also join the line. At check in, the process to become a regular client will be explained. You will receive food before you leave if not yet a certified client.
Because we provide a significant amount and variety of food, including frozen food, to each of our client families, please provide us with clear space in the back of your SUV, Van, or trunk of your Car. Thank you for your cooperation!
Someone will be available each Monday and Wednesday mornings 8:00 to 10:30 to answer questions about your eligibility, certify you as a card holding client, recertify your existing card, or schedule a future appointment if needed.